Liberty Slavery

Overturn the status quo of inequality, greed, captivity and create an ideal country that no one can control.

We need to have equitable access to resources and opportunities, and society should be built on basic human rights and everlasting freedom.

Liberty Slavery

Overturn the status quo of inequality, greed, captivity and create an ideal country that no one can control.

We need to have equitable access to resources and opportunities, and society should be built on basic human rights and everlasting freedom.

An Ideal Country

HyperNation has laid blockchain as its foundation and chose Universal Basic Income (UBI) to define our core idea. Using NFT as a citizen ID card, and using the concept of the metaverse to create a virtual land as your asset. Create a near-perfect ideal life for you.

Become a "Citizen"

You only need one HITCHHIKER OF STAR (HOS NFT) to join the new capital of HyperNation and enjoy the human rights and income you deserve, NFT is like a valuable ID card and an entry to HyperNation. Not to forget a pass to enjoy more empowerment.

Blockchain Technology

Similar to the database ledger, the consensus mechanism is the core of decentralized distributed ledger. HyperNation implements the consensus mechanism to the end, replacing the power governance model with decentralization that no one can control.
The income formula of each person should be calculated by the amount of effort that has been contributed by an individual.


Under the development of science and technology, such as the technology of blockchain, we use the convenience of new technology to achieve the advantages of universal basic income. The progress of science and technology has created blockchain technology, in which we utilize this achievement to create our life, and achieve the ideal life that everyone can get

Spread Consensus

HyperNation upholds education and data as the foundation and disseminates correct information to the public while achieving consensus. Advocating human rights and the necessity of fairness, justice, and openness, and work with like-minded people to complete this [Utopia] project.

Economic Consensus

HyperNation focuses on the core idea of economic consensus, because there has always been a macro consensus that can only be reached when the economy runs freely and is no longer under the control of anyone. At HyperNation, no one else decides what you get.

Eternal Universe

With the rapid growth of blockchain technology in conjunction with the decentralized database fundamental structure, Hypernation aims to provide a decentralized Nation universe that cope with any individual perspective, habits and rules. A fully centralised society built by a decentralized network structure.


When the virtual world gradually becomes real, all experiments are transferred to the metaverse. In addition, to reducing costs and risks due to the formation of the digital age, it can improve the probability of success for HyperNation's research and development focusing on physics and chemistry. Thereby affecting the future of the world.